Academic publications

Publications in 2024

Mihai, A.; Gerea, A.; Tataru, D.; Nastase, E.; Grecu, B. A Geophysical Investigation of the Pâclele Mici Mud Volcano in Romania Using Deep Geoelectrical Surveys. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 2463.

Alexandra G. Gerea, Andrei E. Mihai. Analysing topo-geodetic, GPR and InSAR method integration for hydropower dam deformation monitoring: Case study on the Poiana Mărului Dam, Romania. GeoEcoMarina

Alexandra G. Gerea, Andrei E. Mihai. Rapid terrain analysis in landslide zones: GPR and airborne photogrammetry as a complement for the levelling data. Case study near Poiana Ruscă Dam, Romania. GeoEcoMarina.

Publications in 2023

Zaharia, B.; Grecu, B.; Tolea, A.; Radulian, M. Seismic Observations in Bucharest Area with a Raspberry Shake Citizen Science Network. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 5646.

F Borleanu, L Petrescu, A O Placinta, F Magrini, B Grecu, M Radulian, L De Siena, Seismic attenuation tomography of Eastern Europe from ambient seismic noise analysis, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 236, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 547–564,

Armeanu, Iulia; Chircea, Andreea; Ciobanu, Iulia; Craiu, Andreea; Craiu, George Marius; Dinescu, Raluca; Mihai, Marius; Predoiu, Andreea ; Tolea, Andreea; Varzaru, Lavinia-Cristina; Borleanu, Felix; Neagoe, Cristian; Radulian, Mircea; Mihaela, Popa (2023), “Database of the 2023 seismic sequence recorded in Gorj area (Romania)”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/ds4hwchkp7.1

Tiganescu, A., Grecu, B., Marmureanu, A., & Ionescu, C. (2023). Strong ground motion parameters of the ML 5.2 and ML 5.7 crustal earthquakes in Gorj, Romania [Data set]. Zenodo.

Mihai M., Radulian M., Popa M., Grecu B. Improving location parameters for earthquakes in Romania using joint hypocenter determination method (JHD). Romanian Reports in Physics 75, 708 (2023)

Conference papers in 2023

A.E. Mihai, A.G. Gerea Complementing GPR detection of tree roots in urban areas 2023 12th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR)

A.G. Gerea, A.E. Mihai. Case Studies and Lessons on Using the GPR Method on Hydropower Dams in Romania 2023. 12th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR)

Poiata N., Tataru D., Armeanu I., Grecu B. Broadband characteristics of the quarry blasts at Suseni (Romania) exploitation site from temporary and permanent seismic stations’ recordings. GeoScience 2023

Rău A., Toma-Dănila D., Popa M., Radulian M., Lungu M. Mapping the most seismic prone areas in Banat Region. AIP Conference Proceedings.

Dragnea Ioan Eduard Bogdan Grecu “Măsurători seismice active și pasive pentru caracterizarea amplasamentului Observatorului seismologic Cuțitul de Argint”. SNSGG

Andreea Tolea, Bogdan Grecu, Dragos Tataru, Bogdan Zaharia, Eduard Necula, Alexandru Tiganescu. On near-surface site characterization surveys performed with the Atom 3C seismographs using seismic methods. SSFFUB

Andreea Tolea, Bogdan Grecu, Dragos Tataru, Bogdan Zaharia, Eduard Necula, Alexandru Tiganescu, Cristian Neagoe, Eduard Nastase, Raluca Dinescu. Passive and active seismic surveys for site investigation in Bucharest using seismographs dense array: preliminary results. IUGG 2023

Maria Teodora GRECU, Roxana IRIMIA, Alexandra MALAICU, Daria MĂCIUCĂ, Pavel ROȘCA, Luciana ȘUȚAN. Coordonatori: Dr. Bogdan GRECU, Drd. Andreea TOLEA, Dr. Dragoș TĂTARU. Determinarea vitezei undelor de forfecare și a frecvenței de rezonanță în stratele sedimentare de suprafață cu ajutorul seismicii pasive în localitatea Năruja, Vrancea. GEOECOLOGIA, Ediția 2023

Alberto Michelini, Andreea Tolea, Marco Olivieri, Konstantinos Lentas, Fatih Turhan, Alexandru Tiganescu, Licia Faenza, Nikos Kalligeris,Ceren Özer Sözdinler, Musavver Didem Cambaz. The Operational Service of Aristotle-eENHSP for the February 6, 2023 Earthquakes in Turkey-Syria. SSA 2023

Andreea Tolea, Bogdan Grecu, Victorin Toader, Iren Moldovan, Cristian Neagoe. On the influence of atmospheric conditions on ambient seismic noise. SnT CTBTO

Natalia Poiata, Javier Conejero, Rosa M. Badia, Jean-Pierre Vilotte. BackTrackBB workflow for seismic source detection and location with PyCOMPSs parallel computational framework. EGU GC11-Solidearth conference.

Natalia Poiata, Bogdan Grecu, Dragos Tataru, Felix Borleanu. Repeating crustal and intermediate-depth earthquakes from the Vrancea seismic region. EGU 2023

Cristina Simionescu, Dragos Tataru, Eduard Nastase, Bogdan Zaharia, Adina Vanciu-Rau. Creating School Seismology Labs For the Development of Students. EGU 2023

Andreea Tolea, Bogdan Grecu, Dragos Tataru, Bogdan Zaharia, Alexandra Gerea, Andrei Mihai, Alexandru Tiganescu, Bogdan Cerbu. ON NEAR-SURFACE SITE CHARACTERIZATION IN BUCHAREST USING COMPLEMENTARY GEOPHYSICAL METHODS. Geoscience



Bogdan Cerbu, Eduard Nastase, Dragos Tataru, Bogdan Grecu, Dragos Toma Danila, Bogdan Grecu, AE Mihai, Dragos Tataru. A Near-Surface Geophysics and CLose Range Remote Sensing Study with multi-Data Integration in GIS. Geoscience 2023

R. Partheniu, A.P. Constantin, I.A. Moldovan, A. Tolea ,C. Ionescu. “Tsunami research, education and awareness in Romania, provided by the National Institute for Earth Physics. ICERI

Radulian, M., Bala, A., Poiata, N., Tataru, D., Popa M., Dinescu R. Recent data on crustal seismicity in the South Carpathians and Banat region. Geoscience 2023.

Dinescu, R., Borleanu, F., Radulian, M., Popa, M., Chircea, A., Marius, M., Rau, A., Poiata, N., Munteanu, I. The 2023 seismic sequence in the south Carpathians (Targu Jiu area, Romania): relocation using an improved 1-D velocity model and seismicity characteristics. Geoscience 2023

Radulian M., Bala A., Poiata N., Tataru D., Popa M., Dinescu, R. Recent crustal seismic activity in Southern Carpathians and Banat seismic zone, Romania. Faulting characteristics and implications on seismic hazard. EMCEI-2023

B. Grecu D. Tataru E. Nastase A. Tiganescu A. Gerea , A. Tolea , A. Mihai, N. Poiata , E. Necula , B. Cerbu , D. Toma-Danila , B. Zaharia Advancing Geophysical Research: An Overview of the Mobile Geophysical Instrument Pool at the National Institute for Earth Physics. MedGU – 3rd Mediterranean Geosciences Union

B. Grecu, A. Tolea, D. Tataru, E. Nastase, E. Necula, A.E. Mihai, B. Cerbu, A. Tiganescu, D. Toma-Danila A compact mobile seismic network using wireless units for various geophysical investigations Geoscience

E. Nastase A. Tiganescu D. Toma-Danila B. Cerbu A. Gerea, A.E. Mihai, D. Tataru, B. Grecu, E. Necula Multi-data integreation in near-surface geophysics and close range remote sensing applied to cultural heritage, Chaijana Monastery study case Geoscience

Publications in 2022:

Tiganescu, A., Craifaleanu, I. G., Aldea, A., Grecu, B., Vacareanu, R., Toma-Danila, D., … & Dragomir, C. S. (2022). Evolution, Recent Progress and Perspectives of the Seismic Monitoring of Building Structures in Romania. Front. New Challenges for Seismic Risk Mitigation in Urban Areas, 10, 21.

Tiganescu, A., Grecu, B., Neagoe, C., Toma-Danila, D., Tataru, D., Ionescu, C., & Balan, S. F. (2022). PREVENT—An integrated multi-sensor system for seismic monitoring of civil structures. Rom. Rep. Phys, 74, 706.

Zaharia, B., Grecu, B., Tataru, D., & Neagoe, C. (2022). New online tools for teachers and students to support the use of data from Romanian educational seismic network. Romanian Reports in Physics, 74, 910.

Tolea A., Grecu B., Neagoe, C., Moldovan, I., Toader, V. Seismic noise analysis in the microseismic and high-frequency domain at the BURAR seismic stations. Romanian Reports in Physics XX, XYZ (2022)

Mateciuc D., Bala A., 2022, Uniaxial Deformations estimation in the Vrancea seismogenic area based on GPS data, in Chitea F. (ed.) Insights of Geosciences for Hazard and education. ISBN – print 978-606-537-563-5, ISBN -e-book 978-606-537-564-2, Cetatea de Scaun Editorial House.

Toma-Danila D., Bala A., Ciugudean-Toma V., 2022, 3D geological model for Bucharest, Mendeley Data, V1, DOI: 10.17632/pkjpyjghk9.1.

Tătaru D., Bălă A., Ciugudean – Toma V., Toma-Danilă D., Toward a new geologic and geophysical model for Bucharest, Romania, based on standardized and interoperable databases, XXIInd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying, Geology and Mining, Ecology and Management – SGEM 2022, 2 – 11 July, 2022.

Bălă A., Tătaru D., Toma-Dănilă D., Modern Seismological methods to assess the crustal structure in Intra-Carpathian area in the frame of AdriaArray Project, Abstract, XVII-th edition of International Conference, Present Environment and Sustainable Development, PESD 3-4 June 2022, Iași.

A. Mihai (2022) — The use of geophysical methods in the study of tree roots in an urban environment (Teza de doctorat, University of Birmingham, UK).

A. Mihai (2022) — Folosirea metodelor geofizice in arheologie. Studii de caz si lectii (Teza de doctorat, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania).

Conference papers 2022

Bala A., Toma-Danila D., Ciugudean-Toma V., Arion C., 3D geological model and assigned geophysical properties aimed to improve the local seismic hazard analysis in Bucharest area, 3-rd EUROPEAN CONFERENCE on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Bucharest, Romania, paper, 2022.

Gerea, A.G., Mihai, A.E. (2022). The Use of Gpr Method on Two Types of Dams: Case Study in Caras-Severin County, Romania. NSG2022 28th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Volume 2022, p.1 – 5.

Mihai, A.E., Gerea, A.G. (2022). From Low-Cost to State of the Art in Geo-Archaeology: Lessons and Case Studies in Negrilesti, Romania, NSG2022 28th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Volume 2022, p.1 – 5

Poiata N., and Di Giacomo D., (2022). Routine estimation of standard body- and surface-wave magnitudes for ISC Bulletin using globally available waveform data. Proceedings of the 3rd European conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Ed. Conspress, pp 4356-4361.

Supino, M., Shapiro, N. M., Vilotte, J. P., Poiata, N., & Obara, K. (2022). Tectonic low-frequency earthquakes in Shikoku, Japan: source scaling, size distribution and observational limits. Authorea Preprints.

Folch, A.,, et al. (2022) The EU Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (Cheese): Implementation, Results, and Roadmap for the Second Phase. Available at SSRN: or

Dinescu R., Borleanu, F., Popa, M., Ivan, M., Munteanu, I., Poiata, N., (2022). An improved 1-d seismic velocity model for the active tectonic deformation area of the south western carpathian bend zone (Romania). The 16th Workshop of International Lithosphere Program Task Force Sedimentary Basins & 7th Geoscience, 6-8 October 2022, București, România. (proceedings)

Tolea A., Grecu B., Neagoe C., Moldovan I., Toader V., Ambient noise characterization at seismic stations in Romania (Proceedings of the 3rd European conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Ed. Conspress)

Grecu B., Neagoe C., Tolea A., Tiganescu A., Urban seismic noise characteristics releaved by the strong motion sensors in the Bucharest metropolitan area (Proceedings of the 3rd European conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Ed. Conspress)

Tataru Dragos, Toma Danila Dragos, Nastase Eduard, Zaharia Bogdan, Earth Science Education, Outreach and Training program in Romania, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Seismology and Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, September 4-9, 2022, 4162 – 4168.

Vanciu – Rau A., Popa M., Radulian M., Neagoe C., Lungu M., Recovering seismic data of the last century in Banat region (Romania) by re-evaluating historical recordings, Proceedings of the 3rd European conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Ed. Conspress, 2022, pg 3464-3473

Gerea, A.G., Mihai, A.E. (2022). Using Multidisciplinary Geophysical Methods As a Complement to the Topo-Geodetic Monitoring of Hydropower Dams. 16th ILP&7th Geoscience Symposium, Bucuresti, 06 – 07.10.2022

Mihai, A.E., Gerea, A.G. (2022). The Use of Complementary Geophysical Methods for the Detection of Urban Tree Roots,7th International Symposium Geoscience, Bucuresti

Ardeleanu L., Neagoe C. and Grecu B., Dominant frequency of ground motion from moderate-to-strong subcrustal earthquakes of Vrancea region (Romania), Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference of Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Ed. CONSPRESS, Editori: Arion Cristina, Scupin Alexandra, Țigănescu Alexandru, 5132-5138, ISBN 978-973-100-533-1

B. Grecu, A. Tiganescu, O. Jianu, S. Radulescu, C. Neagoe, D. Tataru, D. Toma-Danila, C. Ionescu, PREVENT platform – a geophysical and environmental sensors-based service for building monitoring for seismic risk mitigation, IPl&Geoscience, 6-7 Ocotmbrie 2022, Bucuresti

Toma-Danila D., Marmureanu A., Țigănescu A., Ionescu C., Armas I., Grecu B., Cioflan C.O., Neagoe C, Real-time solutions for an improved rapid response to earthquakes in Romania, 3rd European Conference of Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, 4-9 Septembrie, Bucuresti

Țigănescu A., Marmureanu A., Grecu B., Toma-Danila D., Neagoe C., Bălan Ș., Ionescu C., A review of combined EEW and SHM system applications and potential use in Romania, 3rd European Conference of Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, 4-9 Septembrie, Bucuresti

D. Tataru, B. Grecu, E. Nastase, N. Poiata, A. Tiganescu, S. Radulescu, Facilitating disaster management support through the integrated use of research data, products, The 12th International Conference of the International Society for the INTEGRATED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT, 21-23 Septembrie, Cluj-Napoca and services

Zaharia Bogdan, Tataru Dragos, Grecu Bogdan, Neagoe Cristian, 10 years of Romanian Educational Seismic Network, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Seismology and Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, September 4-9, 2022, 4176 – 4179.

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