Exploration Geophysics

Exploration geophysics for depths of up to 5 km relies on seismic, electrical, electromagnetic, and gravimetric methods, along with other complementary approaches implemented through the infrastructure of the National Mobile Geophysical Instrument Laboratory.

The goal is to investigate the subsurface to determine its structure and estimate physical properties in areas of interest. By applying geophysical methods, anomalies caused by the presence of structures and artifacts of interest can be identified.


  • Determining, modeling, and monitoring geological structures;
  • Monitoring natural and anthropogenic microseismicity;
  • Detecting faults and fractures;
  • Identifying and characterizing deep aquifers;
  • Characterizing structures of interest for mineral or geothermal resources;
  • Detecting underground voids;
  • Subsurface monitoring using integrated geophysical data.

Methods Used

  • Controlled-source seismics (refraction seismics);
  • Passive seismic methods (ambient noise data);
  • Seismic tomography (ambient noise and local earthquake data);
  • Gravimetry;
  • Magnetometry;
  • Electromagnetic methods;
  • Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES).
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