GeoEduLab aims to increase public awareness about earthquakes and other geological hazards, including their effects, and to promote Earth Sciences and research results that contribute to minimizing hazard risks.
We are committed to developing a comprehensive program to raise awareness of seismic risks. This will involve modern tools and technologies, interactive exhibition spaces, and dedicated areas for public education and training.
A key focus is on creating promotional and dissemination materials to share information with the public, integrate natural disaster topics into school curricula, and provide emergency preparedness lessons (covering disaster-response-recovery-risk reduction) tailored to all educational levels and socio-political, cultural, economic, and environmental contexts.
GeoEduLab Vision: Inspiring Future Generations
In a world facing complex challenges like climate change, pollution, and sustainable development, it is essential to bridge research, education, and society. Science is not just a tool for innovation but a foundation for shaping future generations equipped to navigate an ever-changing reality.
GeoEduLab aspires to be a catalyst for scientific education in Romania, strengthening the connection between cutting-edge research and educational communities. We envision a world where every student has access to engaging, relevant learning experiences, where teachers are empowered to integrate innovative methods, and where science becomes an integral part of daily life.
- Raise public awareness and provide training about earthquakes and their effects, focusing on behavior during seismic events as a core component of preventive actions.
- Develop the Educational Seismic Network as a primary tool to connect the scientific community with the public.
- Promote Earth Sciences and research results through national and international partnerships, best practice models, new spaces, and methodological studies.
- Collaborate with schools, high schools, and universities to bring science closer to students and teachers.
- Form partnerships with other laboratories and educational organizations to expand the impact of initiatives.
- Integrate rapid prototyping technologies, such as 3D printing and CNC, to help students bring their ideas to life.
- Organize hackathons and workshops to solve real-world problems.
Romanian Educational Seismic Network (ROEDUSEIS):
Established in 2012 as the first seismology education initiative in Romanian schools, this network involves students and teachers in monitoring, analyzing, and interpreting earthquake data. More details here.
Mobile Earthquake Exhibition (MOBEE):
MOBEE provides accessible, engaging earthquake information through interactive 3D models and digital applications, demonstrating causes, effects, and risk mitigation strategies. More details here.
Another Kind of School — Open Days at Măgurele:
Students and teachers can visit INFP’s central office or seismic observatories like Muntele Roșu, Timișoara, and Vrâncioaia for hands-on learning. More details here.
Guided Tour “Bucharest and Earthquakes”:
A walking tour in Bucharest’s central area (University Square-Magheru-Calea Victoriei) led by NIEP researchers and experts in urban history and seismic engineering. More details here.
Visits and Workshops at schools:
A program where researchers are engaged in school visits.
MSciTeh (Science and Technology Summer School):
MSciTeh 2025 – Magurele Summer School of Science and Technology is a multidisciplinary summer school of science and technology held as a partnership of research institutes, universities, and NGOs. The program offers a diverse range of research projects and lectures in science and technology.
European Researchers’ Night:
A science festival to promote research to the public.
National Conference on Science Education Community:
Biennial best practices conference for education professionals.