Date: July 10-15, 2022
Location: Marathon, Greece
Participants: 40 high school teachers from 10 European countries
The 2022 SEISMO-LAB Summer School introduced participants to the fundamentals of seismology and the significance of studying earthquakes, both for science and the community. The program emphasized classroom applications of data from the School Earthquake Study Network, enabling participants to use innovative methods while receiving personalized support and a comprehensive toolkit provided by the organizers.
A special focus was placed on accurately presenting the school seismograph network and its functions. By the end of the dedicated webinar, participants were proficient in using the interactive map, accessing data from individual stations, downloading data without requiring specialized instruments, and monitoring the network’s functionality.
Collaborative Approach
The project brought together seismology experts, educators, curriculum developers, local authorities, advanced educational application developers, and schools to design, develop, and validate an innovative professional development program. This program supports the continuous training of teachers in seismological education at a whole-school level.
Beyond seismology, participants were introduced to the concept of “open schools,” which provide a robust framework for engagement, discussion, and exploration. Open schools facilitate co-designing, co-creating, and utilizing educational tools and services for personalized learning and teaching of sciences while promoting citizen science activities.
Teacher Empowerment
Teachers have the potential to play a significant role in integrating seismology into school curricula by engaging parents and influencing student attitudes. By implementing best practices and professional tools tailored to students’ ages and developmental stages, teachers can improve teaching quality, employ innovative methods, and incorporate digital technologies into the learning process.
Romanian School Participation
The SEISMO-LAB Summer School supported the participation of representatives from four Romanian schools:
- Colegiul Național Unirea (Târgu Mureș)
- Școala Gimnazială Sîntamaria-Orlea
- Școala Gimnazială Hârtop
- Colegiul Național Gh. Șincai (București)
These schools were among the first selected, out of a total of 20, to develop seismology laboratories by the end of the project.
This initiative equips educators to create engaging, science-based learning experiences while fostering a deeper understanding of seismology’s relevance to science and society.