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GeoEduLab aims to increase public awareness about earthquakes and other geological hazards, including their effects, and to promote Earth Sciences and research results that contribute to minimizing hazard risks. We are committed to developing a comprehensive program to raise awareness of seismic risks. This will involve modern tools and technologies, interactive exhibition spaces, and dedicated areas for public education and…

The laboratory focuses on improving the ability to estimate the effects of subsurface interactions, aiming to prevent or mitigate undesirable impacts. A paradigm shift is proposed in integrating geodetic data with geophysical data and models. The laboratory will leverage the infrastructure of the National Mobile Laboratory for Geophysical Instruments and the Integrated Observing System of the National Seismic Network (IOSIN…

Exploration geophysics employs seismic, electrical, electromagnetic, and gravimetric methods, along with complementary approaches, utilizing the infrastructure of the National Mobile Laboratory for Geophysical Instruments. The primary goal is to explore the subsurface down to depths of up to 5 kilometers to determine structures and estimate physical properties in areas of interest. Geophysical methods help identify anomalies caused by the presence…

Environmental and engineering geophysics focuses on monitoring surface and near-surface processes down to a maximum depth of 50 meters. These processes are relevant to both environmental studies and engineering applications related to the surrounding environment. This subfield of geophysics has gained significant importance in recent years. The Laboratory’s focus on this area reflects the growing demand for monitoring critical infrastructure,…

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